

 歌 ユミさん


 歌 ユミさん 日本語から英語


十字架のもとへ 行こう
 すべての重荷 降ろし
十字架で 死なれた主
 わたしの 代わりに
わたしの名前 呼んでいる
わたしの 罪と恥を 取り去る
 主イエスの 十字架のもとへ


 歌 ユミさん 英語
 I come to the cross
seeking mercy and grace.
I come to the cross
where You died in my place.
Out of my weakness
and into Your strength.

Humbly, I come to the cross.
Your arms are open.
You call me by name.
You welcome this child
that was lost.
You paid the price
for my guilt and my shame.
Jesus. I come Jesus,I come
Jesus, I come to the cross.